Monday, December 22, 2008

Banksy - Protest Graffiti Art!

Banksy is a protest graffiti artist. He is residing in Bristol, UK and his art features an alternative political view that goes against the mass media perspectives. Banksy has been featured in numerous magazines and galleries. His primary use of stencils has lead to groundbreaking artwork that many have tried to emulate and use as inspiration for their work.

Banksy is known for his paid works as well. He has been hired by numerous charitable organizations like Greenpeace to do work for their causes. His canvas works have been sold for up to 25,000 pounds. Banksy is knows for his reclusiveness and no one really knows who he is or his real history.

Banksy is a self published artist, he currently as of 2008 has 4 books out. His first is in black and white called “Banging your head against a brick wall” This was followed by his first full color book, “Existentialism”. Later in 2004, he published his first book called “Cut it out”. His latest book “Wall and piece” came out in 2006.

Banksy’s art is unique. His pictures are all painted from odd perspectives and no one really knows much about him and how he does his work. He does comment and talk about his craft on his website. It’s speculated that he was either too slow for freehand graffiti and would get caught, or he just was not good at freehand.

His work has been seen around the world. His work has shown up after hurricane Katrina on derelict houses. Banksy has been known for his outrageous demonstrations. At the Glastonbury festival, Banksy arranged the portable toilets into a Stonehenge formation. At the art museum that housed the Mona Lisa, Banksy went and put up a replica picture in the men’s room with Lisa having a yellow smile on her face.

Banksy prefers his identity hidden, he has refused receiving many awards to keep up his mystery. All we can do is sit back and enjoy his work, and see what new feats he will come up with.

You can purchase large, museum-quality prints of Banksy's art, starting under $30, at!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Graffiti Styles

There are many styles of graffiti art in the world. The most basic style was random carvings or paintings that are depictions of the artist’s life, ideals, or values. Through out history, from cave paintings to depictions of life in Pompeii, graffiti gives archeologists and sociologists an idea of the mindset of the general population. Even though in modern cultures, graffiti is considered vandalism, it still leaves a clear message of the education, political mindset, and overall vision of the artists.

The first kind and most popular graffiti is called “tagging” or “bombing”. This was created in the early 70’s when the artist would develop a signature and a handle. Tak182 was the first one credited to start the “bombing” movement. Being a foot messenger, he would ride subways and mark the trains he would ride with his signature “Tak182 was here” The popularity of bombing grew and an artist’s reputation was increased with the number of places (and more difficult) they could tag.

Subway cars were the prime canvas for New York graffiti artists until the anti-graffiti movement in the 80’s. People would break into the stations when the subway cars were stationed for the night and have time to do elaborate murals and even decorate a full car.

This was the start of the “Piece” or masterpiece. An artist would use three or more colors to create block or bubble letters for their signature, along with background images and even some characters to represent the artist.

Another form of graffiti is the “throw-up”. This is similar to the “tag” but uses a few more colors to outline and highlight the work. Speed was the key, as the artist usually does not want to get caught.

The last most common form is stencils. The artist usually will create a stencil from cardboard and will hold it up to their “canvas” and spray over it. This from requires no real artistic talent, but it does make up for speed and intricacy of design.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Miss Van - The Original Graffiti Girl!

Miss Van is a graffiti artist that has been around the graffiti scene since 1991.Born in 1973, Miss Van has been working on her craft since 1991, when she turned 18. Vanessa Alice Bensimon was born in Toulouse, France and has been in love with the art form since she was a child. Currently, she tours the world. Miss Van showcases her artwork in many countries and promotes her craft to as many people as she can.

In 1993, she finally discovered her unique techniques and her preferred medium. She is well renowned in the graffiti world and is an iconic figure for women across the world. When Miss Van hit the scene, she paved the way for women artists in France. Her medium is acrylics. Her style is very cartoonish and charming. Soft features of well rounded women are charming. As does in Europe, a lot of her paintings of women are in the nude form. This is because censorship and nudity are not as taboo for art forms as they are in other nations.

Most of these figures are of women in various moods or stages in life. There are many websites that offer Miss Van prints for reasonable prices. They will ship to various parts of the world and are a great way for someone to familiarize themselves with the wrok of such a great artist. Wall paintings of Miss Van’s work can be found in many places in Toulouse, but she has been hired to paint other areas as well. Currently she showcases her art in a gallery. Her website will show times and places for the viewings, so if you wish to meet the artist and view her work up close and personal, there might be a viewing near you!

NOTE: You can order Miss Van (and Fafi, Nina, Banksy, etc.) prints and receive them in time for Christmas! Go to:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Graffiti Art of Banksy

Banksy is a protest graffiti artist. He is residing in Bristol, UK and his art features an alterative political view that goes against the mass media perspectives. Banksy has been featured in numerous magazines and galleries. His primary use of stencils has lead to groundbreaking artwork that many have tried to emulate and use as inspiration for their work.

Banksy is known for his paid works as well. He has been hired by numerous charitable organizations like Greenpeace to do work for their causes. His canvas works have been sold for up to 25,000 pounds. Banksy is knows for his reclusiveness and no one really knows who he is or his real history.

Banksy is a self published artist, he currently as of 2008 has 4 books out. His first is in black and white called “Banging your head against a brick wall” This was followed by his first full color book, “Existentialism”. Later in 2004, he published his first book called “Cut it out”. His latest book “Wall and piece” came out in 2006

Banksy’s art is unique. His pictures are all painted from odd perspectives and no one really knows much about him and how he does his work. He does comment and talk about his craft on his website. It’s speculated that he was either too slow for freehand graffiti and would get caught, or he just was not good at freehand.

His work has been seen around the world. His work has shown up after hurricane Katrina on derelict houses. Banksy has been known for his outrageous demonstrations. At the Glastonbury festival, Banksy arranged the portable toilets into a Stonehenge formation. At the art museum that housed the Mona Lisa, Banksy went and put up a replica picture in the men’s room with Lisa having a yellow smile on her face
Banksy prefers his identity hidden, he has refused receiving many awards to keep up his mystery. All we can do is sit back and enjoy his work, and see what new feats he will come up with.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Fafi For Christmas...?

It's that time of year again, and what better way to show someone you care than with a gorgeous Fafi print?

The folks at have ramped up production in order to make sure that all those celebrating the season with Fafi's art will get their graffiti prints in time.

In fact, you can order Fafi prints, Miss Van prints, Nina prints - any graffiti art print - and receive it in time for Christmas!

Take a look at some of the stunning work that our favorite graffiti girls have created. You can get many of the graffiti pictures on large museum-quality photographic prints. You can even order many of the prints on canvas!

Imagine the love you'll get when you're favorite person opens up their gift and finds Fafinettes printed on canvas! Better yet, purchase a canvas print, receive it before Xmas, and have it framed for them!

Graffiti art is one of the most unusual, interesting, and beautiful gifts you can give. Whether it's Miss Van's art, one of Fafi's girls, a stunning and bizarre Nina print, or just one of the lesser-known graffiti artists!

Graffitipix even has MC Escher prints that you can order!

Visit us and see what wonderful gifts you can give this season...!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Miss Van - The Original Graffiti Girl!

It would be impossible to approach the subject of “graffiti” without mentioning Miss Van, one of the “girls” who adorn the walls of the old Toulouse.

Now based in Barcelona, Miss Van earned her stripes on the streets of her native Toulouse – a city in Southwestern France that is home to a world-famous graffiti scene - where she set the standard for her peers and discovered an early affection for ruffling feathers.

An artist from a young age, Miss Van dedicated herself to art school and graffiti at the same time, and made no efforts to hide her love for street art from her professors. In the early 1990s, she began tagging and going around with friends. It was not long before she began to develop her trademark “sexy, erotic images that will disturb or seduce people on the street.” She likes to explore the symbiotic relationship between artist and public space, especially the fact that she can deposit images freely into a fully engaged environment and thereby encourage a heightened level of interplay between the viewer and her work.

You can see some of Miss Van's work - photo's taken of some her very best graffiti - at Graffitipix. In fact, you can order museum-quality, exhibition grade prints at absurdly low prices now.

While you're there, check out some of Graffitipix's other extraordinary images, including Fafi and some of her original Fafi girls and "Fafinettes" - photo's taken before her paintings starting appearing on lunch boxes!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

GraffitiPix and Prison Art Project Scheduled For Major Update

Graffitipix, the premier website for exhibition grade museum-quality graffiti prints from artists like Miss Van and FAFI is about to get a major overhaul and improvement.

The entire web site will be upgraded with additional new pictures from FAFI and Miss Van, as well as many other graffiti artists.

The long-awaited release of The Prison Art Project website is coming as well. This site, will be coming online in mid-October. will be featuring hundreds of extraordinary original pieces by inmate artists incarcerated throughout the United States and the rest of the world.

There will be numerous prison art pieces featuring pen & ink, colored pencil, pen, graphite, Magic Marker, and more.

These "Outsider Art" originals range from smaller pieces, to many 8.5"x11" pieces created on notebook paper, to larger works created on linen from prison bed sheets.

You can see some new pieces posted on already, with many more to come.

Look for the updates to Graffitipix at around the same time as There will also be an emphasis on women graffiti artists, as well as some up & coming new taggers.

We welcome your suggestions about new artists to feature on the premier Graffiti art website.

Graffitipix also welcomes and solicits your original photographs of graffiti art from around the world. Please feel free to leave a comment with contact information for us!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Presidential Politics?

I try to stay out of politics - well, actually that's not true. However I don't usually blog about it.

Recently though, I decided to voice my opinions (Obama for President!) on a new blog, The Presidential Zone.

Please stop by and voice YOUR opinion. You don't have to agree with me - it won't be the first time! But I'm a big believer in activism. Whatever your opinion, it matters. And being silent won't ever change anything.

I'm one of those who believes the United States has really declined - fiscally, morally, and in almost every other area. I also believe that Obama represents a legitimate chance to change, for the better.

Go ahead, visit The Presidential Zone and make your voice heard:

PresidentialZone - a new political blog on the 2008 US Presidential race.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Looking For Graffiti Artist Suggestions

In my ongoing efforts to improve (, I would like to ask for some help - from you!

Right now, most of the interest we get is for Miss Van and FAFI. There is still a lot of interest in many of the other graffiti artists, but I would like to ask for suggestions.

Who should we be looking at, contacting, supporting?

It doesn't necessarily need to be new graffiti artists or taggers, anyone tagging, bombing, painting, or otherwise creating beautiful graffiti art is of interest.

Are there women graffiti artists we should be looking at? Graffiti art that has somehow escaped our attention?

You are our eyes and ears. Please post a comment and let me know what new (or old) graffiti art has been catching your attention, which graffiti artists you would like to see more of.

Thanks! And don't forget to stop by and visit, the premier graffiti pictures web site!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Graffitipix Does Well in Google!

Someone recently pointed out to me that shows up very high in Google!

I did a quick search and found that the site is listed very high for some very good search terms.

In fact, Graffitipix is on the first page of Google for Miss Van, Fafi, Graffiti Artists, and other related phrases.

On another note, it looks like I might have to sell Graffitipix, due to some personal issues. I was actually offered $20,000 for the site once, but at the time had no desire to sell it. In fact, I don't want to sell it now, but some personal emergencies have arisen, and it looks like I might need the money.

If you know of anyone interested in the BEST Graffiti Art Sales website in the world, send me an email!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Big Changes Coming to Graffitipix!

We have BIG changes coming to this summer!

We will be adding some TERRIFIC new photos of Miss Van, FAFI, and some other graffiti artists "to be named later" - you can check the site beginning mid-July.

We will also be adding to the Pop-Art, and Pulp Covers categories, as well as adding some new categories.

Also, there will be additions of some incredibly cool and beautiful "anonymous" graffiti art - some from taggers we don't think we have ever seen before.

I'd also like to mention that The Prison Art Project is coming along very nicely!

Lastly, we've had so much fun with our Graffiti Pictures, that we are creating new websites in some entirely new (well, new for us) art categories:

Native American art;
Religious art;
Vintage and Classic Automobiles;

as well as a few others, also "to be named later".

Check back here often!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Prison Art Project Coming Along!

I mentioned in my last post that I had begun putting together a new project: The Prison Art Project.

Here's a brief update. I have acquired almost 300 incredible Prison Art works. What I've done is get in contact with prisoners, mostly in the US. I have explained my project, letting them know that I would like to offer their artwork for sale online, and that they would receive money for anything that is sold.

They are given the option of having me send money into their prison commissary account, or to relatives/friends on the "outside" - some prisoners aren't allowed commissary accounts, and some have restitution judgements that automatically take any money they receive.

I am hoping to get The Prison Art Project up online over the next few weeks.

The address is:

Let me know what you think!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Been a while, but I'm back!

It's been quite a while since I last posted, but I'm back! We have quite a few plans in the works for Graffitipix, including many new pics that will be offered, as well as some exciting new categories.

Lots of very cool Miss Van and Fafi pics coming!

The biggest "addition" will be an entire gallery of Prison Art for sale! These will be individual artworks. We've been working with about 20 inmate artists, and now have over 300 pieces of amazing artwork that we will be offering!

One reason for my absence is that I've been helping out an Internet Marketing group - you can see their blog at Improve Your Internet Marketing - these guys really know their stuff, and I've learned a lot about marketing on the internet.

Look for the Prison Art and other very cool additions coming in the next few weeks!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Graffitipix is back on Ebay!

Well, it's been a while since my last post... we had a series of back-to-back family crises, but fortunately they have passed.

The big news is that we are back on Ebay, auctioning some FABULOUS new graffiti prints from Miss Van, Fafi, and others.

You can see what we have on auction - our Ebay ID is, you guessed it: graffitipix!

We are also very excited to be working on our next big project, The Prison Art Project! This will be a web site similar to, except it will feature exclusively Prison Art. This is "outsider" art created by some incredibly talented inmate artists that we have begun co-responding with.

Look for The Prison Art Project to come online in the next month or so. In the meantime, stop by and see what's new!