Friday, April 13, 2007

Graffiti Research Lab

Pratt Institute, a well-known, well regarded art school in Brooklyn, NY (I was born in Brooklyn!), is the home of the Digital Arts Lab.

The Digital Arts Lab is a research facility dedicated to the interdisciplinary exploration, invention, study and creative inquiry at the nexus of the arts, technology, and culture through rigorous scholarly research and innovative thinking to establish new knowledge and forms of creative expression.

The Digital Arts Lab recently hosted a presentation by G.R.L., or Graffiti Research Lab. Now if you have never heard of G.R.L., you are in for a HUGE treat! G.R.L. has done more for moving the art of graffiti beyond traditional boundries than perhaps anything else ever has!

I posted an earlier entry on L.A.S.E.R. TAG - one of the absolutely coolest non-traditional graffiti efforts ever concieved -mentioning G.R.L. But the sheer number of projects going on under their umbrella is mind-numbing!

Some of the projects revolve around "Throwies", little self-powered colored LED's attached to magnets that are 'thrown' - hence the name - against anything magnets stick to i.e. doors, bridges, buses, etc. to create a whole new form of graffiti.

Do yourself a favor and visit G.R.L. - much of the inspiration for my site,, comes from their. Just remember to come back up for air!


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