Thursday, March 29, 2007

"Non-standard" graffiti

"Non-standard" graffiti - now there's a contradiction! After all, the heart of graffiti is to be creative outside the norm, to go beyond (or around, over, underneath...) the traditional formats. Graffiti artists are the non-conformists of the art world! So what in the world do I mean by "non-standard" graffiti?

Most graffiti consists of spray-can art: pictures, tags, etc. We'll call that "standard" graffiti. Then there are "variations" on the theme: tagging with markers, painting with acrylics, even using stencils. And there are the targets: walls are pretty "standard". But some of the best graffiti consists of drawing on other surfaces and objects i.e. lamp-posts, billboards, etc. Some terrific graffiti is created by marking up statues and the like!

I find myself increasingly drawn to "non-standard" graffiti. I've recently seen entire books of the stuff!

One of the more interesting concepts is what I call "collage" graffiti. The idea is to use 'stuff' in place of 'paint'. The image up top is a great example. Created by Swoon, (and of course available at it basically consists of a paper illustration pasted onto a wall. It is simple, creative, and captivating, hallmarks of all good graffiti.

It also amazing how much of the stuff is out there. Once you start thinking about, you begin to see it everywhere!

So, seen any neat "non-standard" graffiti? Taken pictures of any?? Send 'em in, and I'll post them on the site!


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